Python – Django is a Python Web framework so one needs to have good Python knowledge. Various topics from Python which you must have hands-on experience are given below:
  1. Understanding the indentation and syntax of Python.
  2. Programming control structures like conditional loops.
  3. How to pass the argument to the Python function and setting the default value. Getting a list of Python values using *args and **kwargs.
  4. String and string manipulation operations.
  5. Knowledge of Python paths in order to access data and image files.
  6. Understanding of Python modules and how to import external modules.
  7. Knowledge of Regular Expression (RE) is a must as it helps in validating the User input string.
  8. Hands-on knowledge on how to use data structures Tuple and List, the structure of data saved in these data structures. Knowledge of all functions associated with these data structures. These data structures make Python different from other programming languages.
  • Web programming knowledge is required since with python Django you will be developing web applications.

  • Most important is to have object-oriented concepts that will be needed as your project development starts. It will be needed to drive the object-oriented concepts from the beginning of the development itself. As it will help you to bind a similar kind of data in the form of a class and access those data with a single variable called object. You can also reuse the lines of codes if the logic is the same. And it reduces the line of code, as well as, it will be easy to maintain.

  • knowledge of Object Relational Mapper. The main advantage of using ORM is to transmit data between a relational database and application model providing rapid development. It is easier to change the database when we use ORM. Since the developer does not need to write any SQL. ORM maps objects attribute to respective table fields.

  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the fundamental building blocks of web development. Hence you must possess good knowledge about it.

  • Jquery is a JavaScript framework that makes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.
You might be thinking, that my list is not ending and if so many prerequisites are required means Django must be difficult to learn. But let me clear your doubts. About mentioned all prerequisites are very common in most other web languages like C#, Java, etc. Python generally is very straightforward to get to grips with. So one can start learning Python and Django framework in parallel.


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